I was at a bus station awaiting a parcel one day when i happened to find myself in the midst of two mothers talking about schools today. I could not help but listen in and they were more than willing to have me as a participant in their conversation. What they were saying at first struck me as ignorant talk. I later fond out that I was mistaken.
The conversation was about the heated well-known debate about private schools and public schools. I know you are put off by now but bare with me for a few minutes.

There argument was that public schools are better than private and they had a compelling argument. Most private schools today have resorted to scheming parents of their money. I call it scheming because today, a child going to private school and public have little to no difference. The grammar spoken by them is bad and in dire need of help. To top it all off they are trained to pass exams and not to learn to gain knowledge. When it comes to job seeking, they are at a disadvantage. Nowadays the employers are tired of the exam readers and have resorted to harsh methods of interviewing in order to eliminate them.
Now if you look at the teachers in public schools they are people with experience in teaching that goes back to the time of independence. These are the experiences that are gained over time and can not be gained in a classroom. Tell me if the students in public schools did not miss out on school, would the private school-going children ever beat the public ones?
Its from this point of view that I resort to think otherwise about my stand in which schools are better. The Government should put in mind this when denying the teachers the allowances they ask for.
They are by far the most important public servants than Members of Parliament. Teachers train our future leaders and that should say a lot. The Government should not have opened the flood gates by offering the MPs the salary that they asked for. Why are they more entitled to the pay that they seek and not the other public servants? I did not agree with the Governments choice to cave in, as the proverb goes, As you make your bed, so must you lie on it.
To my government, am the mwananchi that has chosen to speak out. I am tired of being mistreated and misunderstood. When I fought for the new constitution, I did not fight for more oppression and mistreatment. I do not apologise for standing up to fight when you imposed a wage bill that was to kill my children and I. I still stand for what is right. You sort my assistance when you needed me, now I seek yours. Please, keep our children in school and ensure that your vision for them does not fail.laptops could only work if they are in school to use them. Our schools are good and have made a great deal of change. Lets make them better by ensuring the quality of education does not drop when there is something we can do to prevent it.
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