This art of duping someone of their money, belongings among other things started years ago. Most of them were very smart, using it as a means of making easy money. Some because of necessity while others it was because of what some would say their genetic code. The thing to note is that just like the superheroes in the movies there is always two sides to a coin. In most scenarios there are three sides to a coin. But let us look at the two sides first. The first way to look at these common day con artists is as criminals. They dupe people of their hard earned money because the times are hard. The other side is of those duping the rich that seem to deserve conning since some of them rob the common people blind. Some form of justice for them, quid pro quo if you would want to look at it that way. Though I might say that these type of con artists are rare. They have to be master minds, and on top of that considered as vigilantes. Todays, con artists are everywhere. Preyin...