Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia I never expected that a day would come when we as Kenyans would be at the edge of our seats keenly following the electoral process. We all came out for one cause. The beginning of unity among us started when we saw our brothers and sisters dying of hunger. W e came out and stood together to pull funds neede d to end t he sorrow and ho peless ness that they had . We did t hat all by ourselves when the off icials that we put in the G overnm ent did nothing but add their pensions an d s alary. I hope now that we as Kenyans have realised the power we hold and the politicians have realised that the power they had over us is gone with the wind. We should not let ourselves end up in a helpless situation again. Ignorance is bliss but not in the digital era. If you remember, those that were ignorant when the digital era begun, suffered the consequences. We are going into untested waters, we need to work together to make it in this new jungle. Naivet...